Confessions of a Working Mom
Sometimes I struggle as a mom who works outside the home, with not always having all the laundry done, all the dishes washed in the sink or homemade well balanced hot meals sitting on the table ready for my family to eat before 6 o’clock. I struggle with not being at all the class parties, field trips and being able to go on mom coffee dates. Truth is most days there are piles of unwashed dishes in the sink. Sometimes we have sandwiches for dinner.
I am so thankful for my husband, because without his love and support I wouldn’t be able to function as a working mom. We try our best to run our household working together as a team.
However, do you ever have those days where things just don’t run so smoothly? You know before starting the day (before 6:30 am), there is a mile long of things that need to be done before leaving the house like feeding kids and dogs, brushing teeth and making sure lunches are in backpacks? And after working a whole day, kids need picked up from school, dinner needs to be made, kids need help with their homework, the kitchen needs to be cleaned, lunches need to be prepared, then it’s time for bed! Then the whole routine is reapeated over the next 4 days until the weekend comes!
As mothers and wives, we don’t do things to be commended. But it would be nice to hear the words ‘thank you’ now and then. Whether you are a mom who works inside the home or outside of the home, being a mom can be an exhausting, thanklesss job. Especially the job of a stay at home mom, because their job isn’t always recognized as being a job most of the time, because they don’t receive a ‘paycheck.’ I have to give credit to stay at home moms, I don’t know how they do it. They have one of the hardest jobs of all.
As a mom, can you relate? We may question, is this God’s calling for us?
We may compare ourselves to each other by what another accomplishes and achieves, and use that as a determination of our worth. I promise you this is not how God sees us or how our worth is measured. God desires us to seek him for our acceptance, our approval and our worth, not in our comparisons of one another.
So where is the worth and value in our work when we don’t receive grattitude?
“In all work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not people” (Colossians 3:23)
Even if we don’t recieve a ‘thank you,’ there is still value in our work when we do it for the Lord. Finding value in our achievements is an endless, empty path. I can guarantee you there will always be another pile of dishes in the sink, another load of laundry to wash, another meal to prepare. Where is the value in our endless tasks?
We don’t have to live in the comparisons of others or our achievements to find our acceptance and worth–In God’s love we lack nothing, in him we are made complete (Colossians 2:10).
Being a mom who works outside of the house continues to teach me to be content in whatever situation I am in (Philippians 4:11).
If I wait until my house is clean to invite a friend over, I miss out on an opportunity to spend time with a dear friend.
If I wait until I have achieved something great, I miss out on all the joys God has intended to fill me with.
There is value and worth in God’s calling for us. It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are, in God we receive the fullness of joy in every situation.
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” Psalm 16:11.
When God’s desires are our desires, we are fulfilling God’s calling for us.
Seeking God to fill us with His desires, we will always be satisfied in who God says we are. “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail” Isaiah 58:11.
Being a working mom (outside of the house and inside) may be a challenging, tough job. Know that whatever you do, you are doing it for the Lord and that you are loved even if your house is dirty!
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Join me over the next 4 weeks for the 4 part series of Confesions of a Skinny Girl, Confessions, of a Stay at Home Mom, and Married Woman!
I would love to hear from you! Leave your comments below. Have a Blessed Week!
Sometimes moms just need a pat on the back and hear the words your doing a great job! To all the hard working moms know that you are loved and are doing a great job! Encourage another mom today. Let her know she is loved and doing a great job! Print out these printable post-it notes by Cindy Bultema or download and share on social media #LiveFullWalkFree. These printables are from the Bible study I am reading right now Live Full Walk Free by Cindy Bultema by Thomas Nelson publishers.
Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.