5 Steps that Move Toward Whole-Hearted Healing

Are you going through a trial right now and don’t know where to turn?  Are you struggling with something that has been burdening you for quite some time?  Are you at a point in your life where you feel that you have hit rock bottom and want to be lifted out of your darkness?  I pray this post will encourage you and lift you up.  That God’s words will provide a light in your darkness.  These are the things God showed me in my darkness after our son passed away.  Even when I was going through my most darkest moments, God was always with me.  I pray that you will take his hand and allow him to guide you through your moments of despair.  I pray this post blesses you and helps you get through what you are going through.

He Heals the Brokenhearted and Binds up Their Wounds Psalm 147:3 (Click to Tweet).

Where does healing begin? 
Healing Begins at Fully, Wholly, Complete 100% Surrender.  God doesn’t want just part of you, he wants all of you.  Why?  Because it empties and rids you of what is getting in the way of God’s greatest blessings.  It makes room available for him to fill you abundantly with what he desires for you.  How do we do this?

5 Steps that Move Toward Whole-Hearted Healing-

1.  Acknowledging God is the one in control and He is the Provider for your needs.  Healing begins when your Fear meets your Pain and you learn how to make it apart of your life instead of avoiding, hiding and running away from it.  God knows what you need for whole hearted healing.  Healing starts by recognizing your fears and acknowledging God is the one who can help.  “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” Proverbs 3:6

2.  Submitting to Him–  God’s ways are greater than you and your circumstances.  When you allow God to have your fears and pain, he is able to turn them into something so much more than you could ever do on your own.  The question to ask God isn’t when will this fear and pain leave?  It is, when will you give your fear and pain to God?  When you allow fear and pain to linger in the spaces of your heart, it takes up room and doesn’t allow God room to be the provider of peace and rest you desire.  

3.  Trusting God that he knows what He is doing.  You may not always understand or agree with God’s plan, but he sees the bigger picture.  It may be hard and scary to trust in God’s plan, but know that he is good and you can trust in his promises.  The only thing you need to understand about God’s plan is He loves you and never wants to harm you;  You can trust in that promise.  “Trust in God with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding”  Proverbs 3:5

4.  A Willing heart to Learn what God is trying to teach/show you.  God is going to ask you to do things that are going to be hard and you may not like.  But I promise that these sufferings and trials will produce something even greater if you follow God’s lead.  The biggest lessons I think God tries to teach in our trials and struggles are perseverance, endurance and trust.  The sooner you learn to become friends with your pain (make it apart of your life)  and get comfortable at being uncomfortable the sooner you will start producing God’s fruit of peace.  God does not want us to suffer or endure pain, but he knows the way to whole-hearted healing.  Sometimes we have to go through hard times to get to God’s best plan ever.
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him”  James 1:12.

5.  Being Patient for God’s timing–  His timing is perfect and so is his plan.  His plan might not be the plan you like or want but know his plan is better and greater than yours could ever be.  God is the fullness of everything you could ever desire;  joy, peace, love, freedom.  Be patient for his timing, for his fullness to immerse your pain in his healing powers, for something beautiful to be born from it.  God will never waste your pain.  What evil (grief) intends for evil, God will use it for good (Genesis 50:20).

Are you broken?   Do you desire whole-hearted healing so you don’t have to live in brokeness anymore?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28 Click to Tweet

Pray this prayer with me:
God I know that you are good and your ways are better than mine.  Sometimes I just don’t understand and this pain is just so unbearable.  Will you please lift this pain and burden from my heart.  I pray for rest when I am weary.  I pray your strength will get me through all of my days.  I cannot do this on my own.  I pray for the right people to be placed in my life right now to encourage me, lift me up, pray for me when I need it.  I thank you God for all the blessings in my life.  I pray that I will acknowledge you are the one that provides whole-hearted healing.  I pray that I will surrender anything getting in the way of your fullness I know in this life I will have trouble but you have overcome the world, I thank you God.

​”And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19 Click to Tweet 

God knows what you need to achieve whole-hearted healing.

Will you allow God to have your heart and follow his lead towards whole- hearted healing?
Will you allow God to produce the greatest blessing within you by opening your heart to him?

Chris Tomlin Words ‘Good Father’
You’re a good good Father
It’s who You are, it’s who You are, it’s who You are
And I’m loved by You
It’s who I am, it’s who I am
Read more at http://www.lyrics.com/good-good-father-lyrics-chris-tomlin.html#ggjFEmE0bVXQ1HdG.99

God you are perfect in all of your ways!

Join Me on Periscope Tuesdays at 12:15pm EST and Saturdays at 10:30am EST.  Watch Replays on katch.me.  Join me over the next 5 weeks as I complete a blog series on healing.  Subscribe to my blog an you will receive a message of encouragement and hope right to your inbox!

I am praying for your journey of healing!  Please share this message with anyone who is going through a hard time that could use a message of hope and encouragement!  I would love to hear from you!  Leave Your Comments Below.

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