The Last Prayers of Jesus

How encouraging is it when you know someone is praying for you?  Today I hope this post encourages you to know that in Jesus’ last hours on earth He spent His time not teaching another message, but in prayer for US!

How Jesus spent His time on earth is so telling of His character and His heart for us.  Even when Jesus knew He only had hours left to live, He spent His last precious moments in prayer in the presence of God our Father and the disciples.

The last three prayers Jesus spoke on this earth teach us so much about what God desired for us.

John 17:  The Overcomer Prayer:

One of the holiest of prayers in the entire Bible is a prayer Jesus prays in John 17, which was prayed sometime after The Last Supper.  Throughout this whole prayer, Jesus is praying for our security, our joy, our unity and our future.  He prays on our behalf so we know what He’s done for us, given to us and all that he will do for us when we get to heaven.

In the first part of John 17, Jesus first turns to His Father and prays for Himself.  Jesus knew after He left we would still experience trouble in this world but prayed that we would know we are overcomers in Christ and share in His victory.

In John 17:6-19, Jesus then prays for His disciples.  Here Jesus is praying for our protection against the enemy, that we would know the fullness of joy and we would be molded according to His holiness.  In John 17:13-26, Jesus prays for our unity, for us to carry out His mission of spreading God’s love and our future.  The prayer in John 17 shows us how much Jesus cares for us and how He desires the best for us.  He knew we were going to have struggles and prayed for us on our behalf before He left this earth.

A Prayer in the Garden– Mark 14:35-36:

I don’t know if you have ever sat and read the prayer Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before, but it is filled with lots of sorrow and suffering.  Jesus knew the time was coming before he was going to be arrested.  He went to the Garden of Gethsemane, a quiet place to pray and sit with God.  He took His disciples Peter, John, and James with Him to keep watch while He prayed.

Jesus was very troubled and distressed and told His disciples, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death”  (Mark 14:34).  Jesus knew it was only hours before he was going to be arrested and persecuted.  His soul was heavy with the burden of what God was asking Him to do on behalf of everyone else–to bear the penalty for all our sins.

Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”  Mark 14:35-36

Jesus knew His Father was capable of all things.  He turned to Him in His sorrow asking Him to please take this cup from me.  A cup’s symbolism is of deep sorrow and suffering.  Jesus felt as though God was leaving Him behind and turning away from Him when He who had no sin was made to be the sin offering for us.

A Prayer From the Cross–Luke 23:34:

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34)

This prayer that Jesus prays on the cross is one of the most powerful prayers I believe Jesus prays.  Even in death, Jesus cared about our salvation.  He takes His last dying moments to pray for us on the cross and still had the power to make people right with God. It amazes me even as Jesus was ridiculed, persecuted, beaten and crucified He still prayed for those who crucified Him. He even forgave one of the criminals on the cross whom He was sentenced with.  These last moments show how much Jesus cares about our hearts and what they are filled with.  He knew unforgiveness would be the death of us and spent every last moment showing us He is the way to our salvation and the path to our freedom.

The last prayers of Jesus are so telling of how much He loves us.  He spent every last moment praying for us up until His last moments of death.  The prayers Jesus prayed didn’t die that day on the cross.  His prayers continue on from heaven.

We can learn so much from the last prayers of Jesus.  He didn’t allow persecution, being arrested or suffering to keep Him from praying.  He prayed all throughout His suffering and turned to God for His every need, leaving His mark in our lives.

There may be so much suffering and evil in this world, but we can be encouraged that God is praying for us and loves us very much.

There is power in the prayers of Jesus.Click To Tweet

How have the prayers of Jesus marked your life?

How can our prayers leave a mark in others or in this world?

If Jesus was standing before you and asked, “How can I pray for you?”  What would you say?

Praying this Easter Holiday is filled with the prayers of Jesus, his abundant joy, and love in your life!  Happy Easter!

Did you find this post to be encouraging and helpful?  Please share with others who are in need of prayer.  For more encouraging messages, Subscribe to my blog to receive a weekly message of hope right to your inbox or like my Author Facebook Page. to keep updated on posts.


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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Have you ever prayed a prayer to God pleading on your behalf to please take this sorrow and suffering away?  Have you ever questioned God and asked, “God, if you’re a loving God, then why do you allow so much suffering?”

I don’t know if you have ever sat and read the prayer that Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before, but it is filled with lots of sorrow and suffering.  Jesus knew the time was coming before he was going to be arrested.  He went to the Garden of Gethsemane, a quiet place to pray and sit with God.  He took Peter, John, and James with Him to keep watch while He prayed.

Jesus was very troubled and distressed.  He even told His three disciples, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death”  (Mark 14:34).  Jesus knew it was only hours before he was going to be arrested and persecuted.  His soul was heavy with the burden of what God was asking Him to do on behalf of everyone else–to bear the penalty of all our sins.

Jesus found a quiet spot and fell with his face to the ground praying and pleading with His Father, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You.  Take this cup away from me, nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will”  (Mark 14:35-36).

Jesus knew His Father was capable of all things.  He even turned to Him in His sorrow asking Him to please take this cup from me.  A cup’s symbolism is of deep sorrow and suffering.  Jesus felt as though God was leaving Him behind and turning away from Him when He who had no sin was made to be the sin offering for us.

Jesus didn't want to suffer but in the end, submitted to God and said not what I will, but what You will.Click To Tweet

God allowed Jesus to be arrested even though he was innocent.  He even allowed Jesus to be flogged, beaten and crucified despite never sinning.  God allowed His own Son to suffer, not because he didn’t care, but for US.  God doesn’t need us, yet He chose us.  He didn’t allow His own Son to suffer for nothing, but all for His glory.

God doesn’t like it when we hurt.  He doesn’t like it when we suffer.  We are His children when we hurt, He hurts.  God doesn’t desire for us to suffer but has made a plan to carry us through to the other side of our suffering where His greatest blessings reside.

If anyone knows suffering it’s Jesus.  He suffered too.

If anyone knows scars it’s Jesus.  He has scars too.

If anyone knows heartache and burdens it’s Jesus, He had them too.

In our trials, God doesn’t leave us, He’s right there with us.  In the Bible, God let Peter fall in the water, but He didn’t let him drown.  God allowed Daniel to be thrown into the lion’s den, but He didn’t allow the lions to eat him.  God allowed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be thrown into the fiery furnace but He didn’t allow them to get burned.

God’s plan for us isn’t to fail but to succeed in His plans for us.  The trials we go through may hurt a lot, but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t love us.  God is always for us not against us.  We can hold onto God’s promises of who He is.  Two promises God always keeps is He is good all the time and He loves us.  If He didn’t, He would have never sent His only son to die for us.

Are you going through a trial right now that seems hopeless?

We can learn from Jesus, that in our trials when we are filled with sorrow and suffering, we can always turn towards God, Our Father, who makes all things possible.  We can give God our sorrows and sufferings just like Jesus did so He can turn them into something so much better.  Whatever you are going through know you are not alone, God is with you.  You are loved!

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I would love to hear from you!  Leave Your Comments Below.  I pray your week is filled with God’s abundant love!   Happy Easter!


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Developing a Prayer Plan for the New Year

Welcome back!  Last week’s post Making a Successful Plan for Your Upcoming New Year we discussed–What were some of your goals?  Did you pick a word for your year?  I hope some of you will share what your goals are and what word you picked.  Picking a word will help give our year more purpose and vision.  

How did it go when writing your goals?  Was it fun or painful!?!?  Goal setting can be tough because it asks tough questions about ourselves.  Was I successful?  What did I accomplish or haven’t accomplished?

The word I picked for 2018 is Difference. in 2018, I want to make a difference in all areas of my life–with my time, my finances, my family, friends and with my faith.

Others have shared their word with me;  Presence, Hope, Believe, Freedom, Intentional and Restored.  Whatever your word is, apply it to all areas of your life to live fully in God’s design for you.

Goal Writing Tips:
Write goals with meaning and purpose instead of performance.  For example, we may write, I want to make more money in 2018.  That is a good goal, but there is not a measurable outcome.  When is it enough money?  Instead, write– I want to make enough money to provide for my family’s needs.  It is not realistic for all of us to be millionaires but it is realistic for us to be happy with what we have and enjoy the process.  Goals are not meant to suck the joy out of us, but to put purpose and direction back in.

Coming up with a Strategic Plan for Prayer over our goals is just as important as writing your goals.  Keep the goal lists handy to be constantly praying over the goals.  

Be Specific in Prayer in these 5 areas:

1.  Roadblocks–  Ask God to take away anything that is hindering us from accomplishing our goals.  Taking away roadblocks, can help move us forward, go farther in reaching our goals and see so much clearly when accomplishing our goals. “Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way” (Isaiah 57:14).  

2.  Time–  Give God our time that he has already given us.  There are only 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week.  The time God has given us is all we have.  Give God your time and he will give you all the time you need.  Ask God–‘help me keep the scheduled time I have with you.’  “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand”  (Psalm 31:14).

3.  Desires of your heart–  Ask God for Him to place the desires of your heart when setting goals.  When we live in the design that God has created us to live, we experience His abundant joy, hope, love, and freedom.  “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”  (Proverbs 4:23).  

4.  Wisdom–  Ask God to help you be realistic but not sell yourself short.  When setting goals it is important to be intentional with your time.  Asking for wisdom will help you make better choices that will set you up for success in the future.  “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10).

5.  Strength–  To accomplish our goals we need perseverance and endurance.  There will be times we want to quit and feel as though we can’t go on.  Anyone can quit, but it takes courage, drive and passion to make it to the end.   Never underestimate what you can learn in the process, these will be some of the most valuable lessons we learn.  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippine 4:13

What Prayers will make an impact in your upcoming year?  

When making your goals ask yourself these two important questions.

1.  Are these goals adding value to my life or taking away value?
2.  Am I living in the Plan God has for my life?

Prayer-  Dear God, I pray this year we will be more purposeful and intent full with our time and money you have given us and use them the way you have designed us to use them.  Please guide our steps to teach us, show us how you want us to accomplish and achieve our goals as we start our New Year.  We love you, God.  Amen.


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Keep Praying for your Goals!  Praying for a Successful New Year that will be Filled Abundantly with God’s blessings in your life!  Happy New Year!  

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Making a Successful Plan for Your Goals in the New Year

New Years Resolutions, Goal Setting, and Fitness Challenges are all the hype at the beginning of each year.  Making resolutions for healthier living, setting goals and signing up for challenges are great, but will never be successful without making a plan or a strategy.

Goals are great.  They give us a focus, a direction and motivate us to move in a positive direction.  They initiate growth and help us reach something we thought wasn’t attainable.

Are you seeking Financial Freedom?  Dave Ramsey Financial Peace guru has a financial success plan for you.  Are you a writer that has been wanting to write a book?  Chances are Michael Hyatt who has developed Platform University has the keys to success that you need.  Want to become a better parent?  Drs. Fay have developed Love and Logic parenting strategies that take the struggle out of discipline.  Want to develop healthier habits of living without feeling overwhelmed?  Rick Warren has written the Daniel Plan that focuses on Faith, Family, Fitness, and Food.

When we set goals, we turn to the experts for advice.  In goal setting and planning, there is no better expert than God.

Did you know in the Bible, God gives us instructions on how to use our time wisely and write a plan for our goals?

God provides Scripture of how to be successful in attaining our goals.

Setting our goals is just the first step.   Initiating a clear cut plan will set us up for long term success.

'The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps' Proverbs 16:9Click To Tweet

5 Ways God Helps us Make a Plan for our Goals-

1.  Write them Down–  We have to start somewhere.  Putting the pen to the paper and writing them down is a good place to start.  A goal becomes a reality when we write them out.  “Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets, For still the vision awaits its appointed time;  If it seems slow, wait for it;  it will surely come; it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:2-3).  Start first by reviewing your year.  Ask yourself what areas did I succeed in?  What areas do I still need to work on?  I separate my goals into 5 categories;  Faith, Family/Friends, Finances, Fitness, and Fun.  This will better give you a vision for our goals.

2.  Pray for your Goals–  When setting your goals, ask God what are the desires he has for your heart.  “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart”  Psalm 37:4.  It is okay to set your own personal goals.  God has probably given you certain skills and talents to be able to achieve your goals.  Allow room for God’s plan to take place, so he can do his work within you.  Once your goals have been written, keep your goal list nearby and continually pray over your goals for the upcoming year.

3.  Be Intentional–  When writing your goals, be specific and purposeful.  This will allow your goals to have vision and direction.  Give your goals an attainable and measurable outcome.  “Plans of the diligent leads to profit.”  (Proverbs 21:5).  Give your goals a realistic time frame, be diligent and your work will pay off in the long run.

4.  Prioritize–  Review your goals and star 1-2 of them that are highest priority or most important to start working on first.  This will help provide you with a direction and focus of which goals to start working on.  No one gets anywhere by being lazy or taking on more than they can handle.  To make your goals a reality, they take proper planning, commitment, dedication and motivation.  Giving your targeted goal the quality time they need will set you up for success for the future.  “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth”  (Proverbs 10:4).  

5.  Make a Schedule–  Be realistic with your time commitments.  The best way to be successful in reaching your goal, is to schedule time in your calendar and stick with it.  Make your goal a priority and you will reap the rewards of attaining them.  Most importantly, plan your time with God, put him in your schedule, but let him do the planning.  Scheduling time with God will be the best plan of your life.  For He knows the plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11).  

How do you want to be more successful in this upcoming year?  

What Goals  Would you like to Accomplish in the New Year?

God isn’t interested in us becoming better, he wants us to be better than EVER!

Our goals become a reality with prayer, proper planning, prioritizing them and making a schedule.  Writing goals not your thing?  Make it simple and just pick one word to describe your year–it’s a good place to start.  

What word describes your upcoming year?  Join me next week and we will talk about what our word is and how to make a strategic prayer plan that will set you up for a successful new year!  I want to hear your goals and what word you picked!!!

Did you like this blogpost?  Please share with others!  If you would like to read more encouraging messages, Subscribe to my blog and an encouraging message will be sent right to your inbox or like my Author Facebook page to catch the latest posts.  Have a blessed week!!  

Praying for a Successful New Year and that is filled Abundantly with God’s blessings in your life!  Happy New Year!  

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5 P’s To Pray Over Your Marriage

Marriage is one of the biggest blessings in life, yet 40%-50% of marriages end up in divorce.  If marriage is such a blessing, then why do so many marriages fail?  I think there are many factors at play–a person’s background and upbringing, parents who had a loving successful marriage, children, poor role models, trials, dysfunctional habits.  But I think one of the most important factors that help couples STAY together is PRAYER.

A study written by the National Association of Marriage Enhancement stated out of 1156 couples, those who prayed together on a daily basis less than 1% ended in divorce.  The study went even further to analyze what the couples did at home together.   Were they apart of the same denomination?  Did they attend church together?  Did they share the same beliefs and values?  Did they do any worship activities at home?

The study found there was a higher level of marital satisfaction when the couples shared the same religious practices at home which included reading the Bible together.  Unfortunately, despite knowing this information, only 4% of Christian couples pray together on a daily basis.  The important message from the study was if you want a strong marriage that is long-lasting and able to endure trials and hardships, develop a consistent pattern of prayer and reading your Bibles together.

Who is ready to start praying!?!?!?

It all starts with prayer.  Here are 5 P’s to pray over your Marriage.  Make a commitment to pray together for the next 30 days and see what happens.  If you are ready to start reading the Bible together there is a Bible reading plan as well.  Those who pray together stay together.  Those who read their Bibles together become deeply rooted in God’s word.  God’s word then becomes alive and living in their lives.

5 P’s to Pray Over Your Marriage

1.  Prosper

Pray for your marriage to grow, flourish and prosper.  Pray your marriage will bear God’s fruits and grow deeply rooted in his love.  Pray your communication with one another will be effective and prosper.  Pray for unity, peace, and harmony with each other and in your marriage.

Verses to pray, Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 4:3, Ephesians 3:17-21, Colossians 3:13-14.  

2.  Preparation

Pray God will equip and prepare you for what he has in store for you.  Pray for patience along the way, because it will be tested.  Patience prepares us for God’s plans.  Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be working within you to dwell richly in your hearts.  Pray for strength and courage to endure and persevere any trials that come your way.  Pray to be in a position of readiness, to be alert and aware of anything getting in the way of God or putting your marriage at risk or in danger.  Ask God to rid our hearts of any arrogance, pride deceit, malice, anger or bitterness (Mark 7:21).  

Pray for God to fill your heart with His desires.  Pray these verses over your marriage, Psalm 37:4, Romans 12:12, Galatians 6:9, Philippians 4:13, Joshua 1:9, Colossians 3:16.

3.  Praiseworthy

Pray your marriage will be a godly example, admirable and meritorious for God.  Pray that you will be gracious towards one another, express gratitude and thankfulness.    Pray you are gentle, kind, patient and forgiving towards one another.  Pray you will see your spouse through God’s eyes and praise your spouse daily.  Pray you will love your spouse the way God loves them.  Pray you will be encouraging towards one another and build each other up (1 Thes. 5:11).

Pray these verses over your marriage, Philippians 4:8, Ephesians 4:32, Galatians 5:22, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 115:1-2.

4.  Purpose

Pray your marriage is a godly marriage that shines the light of Jesus (Matthew 5:15-16).  Pray God will be the center of your marriage giving your marriage power and purpose.  Pray you will not get in the way of God’s purpose and plan your lives and marriage.  Pray for God to be Lord over our lives and marriages.  Pray for your husband to allow God to be Lord in His life and be the spiritual leader he has called him to be.  Pray you will give love and respect to one another.  Pray for willing and obedient hearts that allow God’s purpose and plan to become alive in your lives.  Pray you will allow God’s will to be done in your lives and marriage.  Pray God will use your marriage for his greater purpose and plan.

Pray these verses over your marriage Romans 8:28, Psalm 138:8, Matthew 5:15-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11.

5.  Protection

Pray for protection against Satan, lies, doubt, temptations, sin, and discouragement.  Pray the enemy will stay out of your marriage.

Pray the armor of God over your marriage in Ephesians 6:10-20.  Pray your marriage will stand strong in the Lord by putting on the armor of God.  Pray you will not fight against each other but in prayer against the enemy.  Pray you will stand firm in God’s truth by buckling the belt of truth tightly around your waists.  Pray the breastplate of righteousness will guard your hearts.  Pray your feet will be fitted with readiness by putting on the shoes of peace (the gospel).  Pray the shield of faith will be an extra layer of protection that will extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Pray the helmet of salvation will help protect and guard your minds against doubts, lies, and temptations.  Pray you take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayers to stay alert and keep praying.

Most of all, pray you will stay committed and dedicated to prayer and reading the Bible.  Praying these verses over our marriages gives power and purpose to our marriages.  If you don’t have a Bible, download the YouVersion Bible app to your phone to be able to look up Bible verses.

There is so much more than we could add to our list.  If there is something lacking in our marriages or that we’re struggling with–cover it in prayer.  Maybe both sides struggle with patience or need to communicate better.  Or maybe there needs to be more encouragement towards one another.

It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are or if we are going through a trial.  When we are covered in prayer and in God’s word, nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38).  Prayer keeps us protected against the enemy attacking our marriages, keeps us alert to what we need to pay attention to and keeps us in communication with God.

Every marriage will endure trials and hardships.  Is our own strength and love enough to get us through?  No, but God’s strength and love are.  The love of Jesus is the glue that keeps our marriages together and builds us stronger than we ever were before.

When we fail or fall short, God’s grace makes up for our short comings (Romans 6:23).Click To Tweet

Is your marriage worth fighting for?

How do you get through your trials?  Where do you find your hope?

We need the love and strength of Jesus to help our marriages prosper, be prepared, be praiseworthy, be purposeful and protected.

Do you desire a strong, long-lasting marriage that is filled abundantly with God’s eternal blessings?

Those who pray together stay together.Click To Tweet

Will you pray and/or read the Bible with your spouse for the next 30 days?  

Pray the 5P’s over your marriage and watch them come alive in your life.  God’s Words and prayer are transformational when they are active and living in our lives.  

Whatever we lack in our lives, we are made complete in God.  In Jesus, we have life and have it to the full (John 10:10)!  In God, we lack nothing.  We don’t need to look for another source to fulfill us when God is in the center of our marriages.  I promise, your faithfulness and patience will reap great rewards than you could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

Marriages are not meant to defeat us but to fill us abundantly with God’s eternal blessings Click To Tweet

Have a blessed week!

Print out this Free Printable Bookmark to help guide your prayers or print out this post.  Keep this handy in your Bibles so you can reference it when you pray and read.  You can also follow along with the 30 day Bible reading plan to help fill your hearts with God’s Words!

Marriage Prayer-Click to Download PDF


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This post was first published on


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God’s Timing is Perfect

Have you ever been waiting on God? Waiting for Him to answer a prayer you have been praying for a long time? Have you ever wondered when is God going to answer MY PRAYER? Or is He ever going to respond?

I think we all have been there—In God’s waiting room. Waiting for answers, waiting for results, waiting for the unknown. Sometimes waiting in God’s waiting room, He teaches us valuable lessons we would have never learned if we weren’t in waiting.

I do think God answers our prayers; just not always in the way we may want or like. God may answer us with ‘Yes!’, or ‘No,’ or even ‘Not yet, or not now.’ But these in fact are God’s answers to what we ask of Him. Just as a parent doesn’t give a child everything their heart desires, because they know what is best for their child, is the same thing God does with us. His delayed responses or answers is not a way to punish us, but a way to help us learn what He is trying to show us.

There are so many lessons we can learn from God’s timing. Here are three things I have learned.

3 Things I Have Learned From God’s Timing: In God’s Timing I learn,

1. It’s Always Perfect- God is God. He has the most perfect plans ever. We cannot put a deadline on His timing. When we give God a deadline we are demanding our desires to be God’s desires. It doesn’t work that way. God’s ways and desires are so much better than ours. God created the heavens and the earth; He knows what He’s doing. Will you trust God with the plans He has for you?

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

2. He has the best plans ever– If I never waited for God in His timing or always went ahead of Him, I’d never know how great the reward of His plans really are. How many times have you gone ahead of God, looked around and said God ‘where are you?’ Then realize, you never consulted God in the first place? I sure have, many times. My impatience has made me make some not so good choices at times. I have learned when I don’t wait on God, I get myself into a whole lot of trouble. I can almost see God tapping his foot with His hands on His hips, saying “If you just wait for my timing, I will have something so much greater and better ahead for you, Just Wait For ME!”

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

3. How important it is to grow my patience- If I never had to wait on God, I would never learn how important it is grow my patience. Waiting in God’s waiting room, grows our patience. We need patience when going through and enduring our trials. If our patience was never tested, we would never know we needed the patience’s of God to get through what we are going through. If we didn’t have patience, how could we ever accomplish what God is asking of us?

Sometimes in our waiting, God reveals to us very convicting, yet valuable lessons. In His waiting room, sometimes I realize, maybe God is really waiting on me? Maybe God is asking me to do something that I have not done yet. It is God’s waiting room, He reveals what is in my heart, what He desires of me and that I only need to trust in Him.

God never wastes anything, especially the time He has given us. He desires us to use the time He has given us in a certain way, the way He created it to be used. When you feel like you have been waiting for a long time or don’t seem to ever have enough time, ask God “How can I use the time you have given me more wisely?” “Please Lord, Help me be patient and wait for your timing.”

There are great rewards in our patience.

What have you learned from God’s timing?

Have you been in God’s waiting room for awhile? What is He trying to show you?

Did you enjoy this blogpost? Please share with others! Want more encouraging messages sent right to your inbox? Subscribe to my blog and receive a weekly Monday Message or like my Author Facebook page to catch the latest posts.  Have a blessed week!

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The Struggle is Real

The other day I was sitting in Sunday school class and the pastor asked us questions about storms we go through as couples.  Couples raised their hands and said they had struggles with finances, loss of a job, unexpected sickness, a baby born were some of their responses.  Our pastor then asked, “How many couples have had a miscarriage or lost a baby?”  A surprising amount of us raised our hands.  No one would have ever known by looking at the couples in the room, that we had these deep struggles.  
There are so many of us that go through struggles in life that we keep hidden and in the dark. Many of us walk around with smiles on our faces but in reality, there are deep struggles going on inside.  
Some of us may have struggles that are hard to even admit.  They might be something we are ashamed of or the enemy has whispered lies that have led us so far astray we don’t know how to get back on course. 
The struggle is real.  We all have them.  Even godly people of the Bible had struggles.  
For example, King David had a wandering eye for another man’s wife, which got him into trouble.  One night when David was walking around his roof, he saw a beautiful woman bathing who caught his attention.  He was intrigued and sent someone to find out about her.  The messenger returned and informed King David, her name was Bathsheba wife of Uriah, one of his soldiers in command.  Even though King David knew she was married to another man, he slept with her and she conceived a child.  
To make matters worse, David covered up his mistake.  He concocted a plan for Uriah to return from the field and lay with his wife, to make him think he conceived a child with Bathsheba and not David.  When David discovered his plan didn’t work and realized his mistake would be exposed—King David had Uriah killed by putting him at the front line of battle.    
Talk about scandal!  King David’s wandering eye not only led to adultery but also murdering another man to cover up his mistake!  David had some real struggles.  
At what point do you think David should have came forward his struggle?  
If David had just opened up to God about what he was dealing with or asked someone to pray for him, the scandal could have been avoided.  Just imagine all scandals that could be avoided in our own homes and communities if we would just let someone pray for us?  Or if we would just entrust God with our struggles?
David did not go on to live the rest of his life allowing sin or his struggle to reign over him.  After being approached by the prophet Nathan, David said to him, “I have sinned against the LORD” (2 Samuel 12:13).  David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14).  Through David’s repentance and turning away from his sin, is what transformed his life to become apart of one of the greatest plans ever—the bloodline to Jesus.  
David had to learn the hard way.  His choices did not come without consequence.  Nathan tells David, “The LORD has taken away your sin.  You are not going to die.  But because by doing this you have made the enemies of the LORD show utter contempt, the son born to you will die” (2 Samuel 12:13).    
Scandals.  They are everywhere.  Our government.  Our homes.  Our communities.  Our schools.  Even our churches.  The very place where we think we can feel safe and entrust another in prayer, is the very place the enemy attacks the hardest. 

No one is exempt from the enemy’s trickery, even godly people, even the anointed and appointed.
Here is the Real Truth. 
“But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” 1 John 1:5-7
The struggle is real.  We are all human, we all fall short and make mistakes.  (Rom. 3:23)
Behind every struggle there is an enemy force at work.  
The dark is where the enemy does his best work.  
The enemy desires to keep our struggles hidden in the dark. 
When our struggles are brought into the light, the enemy can no longer reign over us.  
Bring your struggles into the light.  
1.  The best way to expose the plans of the evil one—bring them to the light.  
“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”  Ephesians 5:11 ESV
2.  No amount of darkness can ever extinguish the light of Jesus.  Keep his light inside of you.    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” John 1:5 ESV
3.  Follow Jesus He knows the way.  Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12 ESV
The enemy has us scared to believe we will be persecuted and abandoned if we expose our flaws.  He  disillusions our minds to think keeping the struggle in the dark is a better option than getting help that is so desperately needed.  

Imagine what our world would look like if we were free from the reign of the enemy and exposed his evil plan by illuminating it with light?  Suicide wouldn’t be an option.  Abortions would not occur.  Divorce would be non-existent.
We don’t have to learn the hard way, like David did.  We can put an end to the enemy attacks, by allowing someone we entrust to pray for us.  Allowing their prayers to intercede on our behalf.  By surrendering our struggles to God and getting the help we need before it leads to our destruction.  
Hold onto God’s promises.  Stay in His Word.  Stay faithful in prayer!  This will allow our struggles to be brought to the light and allow God’s divine power to fight our battles for us.  
Do you have an an accountability/prayer partner that can help you get through your struggles?  
Do you have a pastor you can entrust? 
Do you take your struggles to God and allow Him to fight your battles?
I pray and hope this post is an encouragement to you.  If you are struggling with something, please don’t keep it hidden in the dark, bring it into the light.  Don’t let the enemy silence you.  Entrust another to pray for you, take it to God.  Allow God to fight your battles for you.  
Keep praying our hearts and minds will be guarded against the evil one, before it is the death of us.  The enemy is relentless and won’t stop until he has destroyed our lives, our families, our marriages, bank accounts, it is endless. 

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First Encounter OR Second Hand Faith?

Today’s post is written by blogger Carol Dunfee.  This post was first published on
I grew up hearing stories about my grandpa. He passed away when I was a newborn, so I never got to meet him. My mom has told me that he was fun-loving. He treasured his two daughters. He loved music and often entertained his family with his guitar, his harmonica, and his singing. My mom has fond memories of singing along with him. She honored his love of music by singing with me when I was little. She encouraged me to dance and sing to the music playing in our house.  My grandpa had an indirect effect on me even though I never knew him.
Then there was Gramma. I didn’t have to rely on stories to learn about her. I got to meet her in person. She was my hero. She made everyone around her feel special and loved. She worked hard tending her enormous garden, canning fruits and vegetables, sewing her own clothes, and preparing the most amazing meals. She loved God with all her heart. I wish I had recordings of all our late-night conversations where she told me about her history and about her God. I knew her FACE TO FACE.
Many of us who are “religious”, know Jesus as I know my grandfather. I have heard wonderful things about him, but I never got to KNOW him personally. Religion tells us stories about the great things Jesus did while He was here on earth. It tells us that He is God’s Son and that He died on the cross and rose again to pay the price for our sins. It tells us that if we confess our sins and accept Him as Savior, then He will give us a home in heaven when we die.
Second-hand stories are great. They connect us to those we could never meet otherwise. I know who my grandpa was because my mom told me about him. Many of us learn about God through second-hand stories. These stories help shape our morals and values. They give us an anchor.
However, I don’t want to know my Creator only through second-hand stories. I want to KNOW Him first-hand. I want to hear His voice speak to me as I read the Bible and as I ask Him for guidance. I want to see His hand working in my family. I want to have His abundant life NOW!
He is not a list of rules or traditions. He is not defined by organized religion. He can work through those things, but He is not confined by them.
I want my children to know that He is real and available RIGHT NOW. How will they know if I don’t show them? I need to tell them the stories, but I also need to go a step further. I need to let them see that He is real in my everyday life. I need to continue to pray that they encounter His love and power for themselves.
Jesus is a real person. He loves you. Don’t take my word for it. Don’t take your pastor’s or priest’s word for it. Search for Him yourself.
“But if from there you seek the LORD your God,
you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”  Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV
A note from Heather:  I hope Carol’s message today challenged you to not settle for second hand faith but to get your own personal encounter with Jesus.  When I think of first encounters, I think of Paul and Silas when they were beaten and thrown into the inner prison in Macedonia (which is the lowest, darkest, grotesque of all prisons) with shackles fastened to their feet.  They were imprisoned in a deep dark pit for healing a girl who was possessed.
Despite being persecuted and beaten for their beliefs they started to pray and sing hymns of praise to God while they were in this deep dark pit of a prison!  Their prayers and songs of praise echoed throughout the prison.
Suddenly an earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. All the doors were opened and their chains fell off (Acts 16:26).  The guard keeping watch trembled at the sight of this and asked “What must I do to be saved?”  Paul replied “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31).  In verses 33-34, it goes on and says this man took the prisoners home and washed their wounds.  Immediately he and his whole household were baptized.  The jailer then brought them a meal and was filled with joy because he and his whole household believed in God.
Talk about First Encounters!  We can’t just take the world’s word for who God is, we have to seek him ourselves to obtain our own testimonies.  When we have our own personal encounter with God, we believe because of our FAITH, not because of what someone tells us.

Have you had a first encounter with God?

Do you have your own personal relationship with God?

Do you have a personal testimony to share with others?

Meet Carol


I am a wife, mom, piano teacher, and blogger for Alaska Christian Women’s Ministry.  When I am not teaching piano, I live the crazy life of a wife and mom of three. I love it when life is neat and organized, but I find that rarely happens. I am learning to love the chaos.  To read more about Carol visit her blog at


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A version of this post was first published on

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Confessions of a Married Woman

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God (Romans 15:7).

Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts.  Yet sometimes marriage can not feel like much of a gift.

Marriage has been around since the beginning of time when God created Adam and Eve.  God  designed marriage to fulfill our need for companionship and demonstrate what it means to be in a covenant relationship with God—to be in union with one another (1 Cor. 6:17).  Our marriages are an earthly model of our spiritual relationship between Christ and His bridegroom (the church) [1].  (Ephesians 5:25-27, Isa. 61:10, 62:5)​

It amazes me how God thinks of everything.  He designed us to be in relationship with another so we wouldn’t be lonely, but also fulfill a greater purpose to be in a relationship with Him.

We were challenged by our pastor this past week, to ask ourselves the question—Does your marriage possess a biblical love like God loves us?

As a married couple of of over 15 years, we strive to love each other the way God loves us.  However, we are not perfect and have flaws.  There are times we don’t always get it right. We sometimes treat each other not so nicely and take things out on one another.  This question made me think of those married in the Bible.  What did they do in their not-so- lovely moments and what do these moments teach us?

I wonder…..

Did Adam and Eve’s argument continue on for days on end?

Did Abraham and Sarah ever argue about infertility?

Did Jacob and Rachel ever have unlovely moments?

Unlovely moments make me think of Gomer (Hosea’s wife) and the Israelites when they strayed away from God.  Gomer had become an adulteress and Israel was worshipping other gods besides God.  I love how God teaches us about the power of His love in these unlikely moments.  

The Lord said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes”  (Hosea 3:1). 

Hosea’s love saved his wife from a dead empty life of adultery and pagan worship. God’s love gave Israel a second chance for redemption and restoration.  Just as God’s love was the key to redeem and restore the covenant relationship with Israel, Hosea’s love (a biblical love) was the key to redeem and restore the covenant of his marriage to Gomer (Hosea 3). Unimaginable!

We all have unlovely moments.  Oh how I have been unlovely before.  I want to be loved even in my unloveliness.

God used Hosea (which means salvation) to show us what happens when we love and accept others in the face of unloveliness.  By Homer choosing to love and forgive his adulterous wife Gomer, he wasn’t condoning or accepting her sin—he was obeying God allowing an opportunity for His redemption. Even in Gomer’s not-so-lovely choices, God called Hosea to love her.

God uses these unlovely moments to teach us so much.  

Loving and accepting each other in ugly moments allows grace to fill the unloveliness with God's redemption and restoration (Click to Tweet)Click To Tweet.  

God shows me that when I seek him, He is able to turn my unlovely moments into something so much better than I ever can. 

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”  Jeremiah 29:12-13

There will always be an unlovely moment.  How will we respond?

With Love. God’s love makes our marriages perfect and complete in Him.  In God’s love we lack nothing (Colossians 2:10).  

The enemy would like nothing more than to divide our marriages by magnifying our unloveliness to each other.  Choosing God’s love in the face of unloveliness, invites God to build long lasting marriages rooted in His biblical love for us. 

Thank you Jesus for the wonderful gift of marriage.  Thank you for loving me in my unloveliness.  Thank you for teaching us so much about ourselves and our marriages in these moments.  Thank you for showing me it may take forever before we get it right, but that’s okay.  Help us to seek you God in our not so lovely moments and stay rooted in your biblical love for us.  Your love never fails.  I praise you God, in Jesus name, Amen.

How will you choose love in the face of unloveliness?

What have unlovely moments taught you?

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In case you missed it here is the 4 part series of Confessions:  Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom,  Confessions of a Skinny Girl, Confessions of a Working Mom.

I would love to hear from you!  Leave your comments below. Have a Blessed Week!

A Marriage Prayer-  Pray this verse together this week.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13

Dear Lord,
I pray our love is patient, it will always be kind.  I pray it will never envy nor boast that it will be ridden of any pride.  I pray our love for each other will never be rude or self-seeking.  I pray our love will not be easily angered or keep a record of wrongs.  I pray our love will never delight in evil but rejoice in the truth.  I pray your love will be the center of our marriage and always protect, always trust, always hope and always perseveres.  Your love never fails, Lord.  Thank you for your faithfulness Lord.  We know there is nothing greater than your love.  I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.